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Members of the Centre for International Affairs (2024-2025)


Kimihiko Oishi Director of the Centre for International Affairs
Satoshi Takeda Vice-director of the Centre for International Affairs



Committee Members of the Centre for International Affairs (2024-2025)


Kimihiko Oishi (Chair) Pediatrics
Satoshi Takeda (Vice-chair) Emergency Medicine
Alan Hauk English
Masanori Iijima Pediatrics
Tomohiro Kayama Orthopaedic Surgery
Kenta Miki Urology
Michie Nagayoshi School of Nursing
Sae Ochi Laboratory Medicine
Kazuhiro Omura


Kazuki Sumiyama Endoscopy
Mitsuru Uchida School of Nursing
Takashi Yokoo Internal Medicine

Senior Advisor

Tohru Sekiya Centre for International Affairs


